Fighting Fair in Relationships

Have A Fair Fight: Focus has to be emphasized on the issues at hand. Disagree healthfully. Do not start an argument over things that can't be changed. 

Do Not Attack Your Partner Directly: You should use "I" while communicating what you feel. Á an example, instead of "You make me feel low,” how about saying, " I feel low when you do that."

Willingness to Forgive: Resolving a conflict can be impossible if you are not willing and unable to forgive. 

If Your Temper Rises, Take A Break: Take some time to relieve stress. Hold Yourself together and calm down. You should not do or say something that you will regret later. 

You are arguing with the person you love to remember. You should not raise your voice at them. 

Know When to let go: If you cannot come to a place where you are ready to agree, agree to disagree. It should take two people who are willing to negotiate to keep an argument going. 

If a conflict is not healthy, you should disengage them and move on. It will save a lot. 


It is crucial to recognize that relationships have ups and downs. You will not be on the same page all through. Different partners handle stress differently. 

A misunderstanding can turn into anger and frustration. You should be open to change. 
If you need external help, you should seek it together with your partner. Couple therapy can help you figure out a complex issue in your relationship. 



